[Computer-go] Those were the days ...

"Ingo Althöfer" 3-Hirn-Verlag at gmx.de
Tue Dec 29 02:20:46 PST 2015

Hello all,

> Martin understood computer go weaknesses, so he played to exploit them.  A modern program 
> not specifically tuned for those weaknesses would have a much more difficult time.

Agreed. Concerning CNN bots (like darkfores3), a natural way would be to find
some players of Martin's calibre who play hundreds of games against the old MFoG
at handicap 29. These games might become the training set for the CNN.

> I released version 10 in 1997, so it might be more accurate to play against version 10 
> rather than against version 12 at 12 kyu level.  I probably still have a version 10 CD somewhere.

I also still have one, I think.

Anyway, as soon as a serious contender shows up, I am willing to allow
a match environment that may - in case of disputes - be helpful for the bot. 


PS. I want to see my 1,000 Euros finding their way to a pocket of a
talented go programmer!

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